Add a touch of elegance and charm to your Christmas décor with our fantastic selection of tree skirts that are designed to elevate the beauty of your Christmas tree. Whether you prefer traditional or contemporary styles, we have the perfect tree skirt to suit your taste and enhance the festive atmosphere in your home.
If you are wanting to add some finishing touches to the Christmas tree, using a Christmas tree skirt is a simple way to enhance the look of your Christmas tree. Using a tree skirt is a great way to cover the tree trunk or stand. Plus, a Tree skirt will also protect your floors and carpets from any fallen pine needles. Tree skirts come in a massive range of materials and styles. We suggest choosing one that matches your existing Christmas decor. You could choose from a wicker tree skirt for something more chic. If you are wanting something more festive, using a felt, faux fur or jute tree skirt is the way to go. You can always find one that will suit your colour scheme, regardless of your decorating style or location.
For a rustic Christmas décor look, we recommend our Brown Willow Tree Stand Cover to add the perfect finish to your Christmas tree and create a feeling of luxury. If you are looking for something more traditional, we recommend our Red & White Marl Tree Skirt for a chic traditional touch to your tree.
If Christmas Tree Skirts and Stands are just not your thing, have a look at our other Christmas decoration pages for more ideas, inspiration, and products.
For different festive decorating ideas, check out our blogs on Christmas decorating ideas using florals and floristry and All you need to know about Christmas Trees & how to choose the right one.